If your cat has caught fleas, the fleas will not only destroy the animal but the brood as well. For only the smallest part of the extended family living flea on the animal, while the rest around him, so in your apartment. To destroy the eggs and larvae, there are special sprays environment. For topical application suitable sprays and so-called spot-on preparations and flea collar for cats, which kill the adult fleas in the fur. In addition, there are tablets, injections and solutions for entering, which prevent the fleas continue to multiply. Your veterinarian can help you here. The first and most common of the cat parasites is fleas. If you find yourself with a flea problem in your house, you are not alone. Many pet owners become plagued by these persistent parasites every year. It happened to us, even though our cats are indoors. Take a look at Fleas On Cats - Top 8 Facts To Use Against Fleas to get the inside track on these lovely house guests. There are some little known facts that may be useful in their elimination. They are more than just pests, though. A severe infestation on a small kitten, ill, or elderly cat can result in anemia. This can be deadly without emergency veterinary treatment, such as blood transfusions or iron supplements. Fleas carry other dangers as well, the most common being tapeworms. The tapeworm develops inside the flea, and when the flea is swallowed by a cat during grooming, the tapeworm is released and attaches itself inside the cats intestinal tract. The best way to prevent these parasites in cats is to prevent fleas.
Your pet will scratch himself, of course. Also, there will be tiny black dust-like flecks where the cat sleeps, and in his fur. It is flea feces (composed of dried blood), mixed with eggs, and when you comb your cat you can look for this as a definite sign. As part of a natural approach to getting rid of fleas, vinegar proves to be a useful tool. Learn about the ways that vinegar kills fleas and you'll be one step ahead. Mites - worse than any earwigs. Cat shaking its head or scratching his ear, often to the ear mites, must be treated by a vet. The normal ear care you can make yourself, but you should clean only the outer ear with a cotton swab or special cloths. Has proved Beaphar Sensitive Ear Cleaner. Caution, the ear canal of the cat is very sensitive. For the care of the ear canal, therefore, only special ear cleaners are used. If you brush your cat regularly, you should take a look at the opportunity in the ears. Do you find this crumbly, black lining, ear mites are suspected. Attention, ticks on cats are mainly from outdoor. With them is not to be trifled with: The fact that they can transmit Lyme disease to humans and animals is well known. And in recent years, the number of infections with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) has increased. Fortunately, cats are less susceptible to current knowledge of Lyme disease and TBE. You may want to freewheel Tiger at every return to scan and remove ticks by using a special tick tweezers. Even better, of course, is prevention. This works most easily with spot-on preparations by the vet. Ticks are cat parasites that are especially dangerous, since they can carry Lyme Disease. It's actually the Deer Tick, which is extremely small and nearly impossible to see, that can carry this disease. The larger and more common Dog Tick doesn't. Lyme Disease, left untreated, is deadly. There is currently no preventative vaccine for Lyme Disease in cats. Signs and symptoms of infection include fever, lameness, lethargy, and stiff joints. Cats don't develop the tell-tale rash that people do. It's not exactly practical to do a thorough "tick-check" on a cat regularly, so that's another reason to use one of the Flea and Tick Treatments regularly. Prevention is the best protection.
Because the worm is inside? Regular deworming is especially important for outdoor access. But did you know that tapeworms are transmitted by fleas? Thus, even indoor cats are not immune from being infected by worms, a worm treatment helps in case of stray fleas and worms and them. Apart from the tapeworm and roundworms infect cats. Hookworms are also frequently found in young cats. Atrophy without deworming kittens, get the typical bloated stomach worm, a shaggy coat, and diarrhea. But cats are not only threatened by worm infestations, but just as you cat owners. Another good reason for regular deworming! Important Note. The Content Advisor cannot replace a visit to the vet. This information should not be used alone as the basis for health-related decisions. In diseases of animals and use of medication should consult a veterinarian.
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