Each player gets to be the dealer in private parties. However, in casinos, the dealer is always an employee, therefore, a professional. A round object or "button" indicates the virtual dealer at all times. The button is passed around the table in the clockwise direction. The person who has the button speaks and bets last. This is a big advantage. The strategy differs depending on the player’s position in relation to the button. They are more vulnerable if they are in blind or forward position. They soon realize and experience teaches them when to be aggressive and when to be cautious depending on their position.
The blinds
The two players sitting to the left of the dealer post the blinds before the cards are dealt. The purpose of these blinds is to create a pot. The player sitting next to the dealer places the "small blind" while the next player places the "big blind". The size of the blinds is set in cash games (predetermined according to the prize of the game) and increases regularly in tournaments. This increase is called "the blind structure".
The coup
Each stroke of a No Limit Texas Hold'em poker game develops according to a specific protocol:
Once the blinds have been placed, the dealer distributes two cards to each player. This is the starting hand.
The bidding starts. The first player to speak is the player to the left of the big blind. They have three choices: they can pay the big blind (call), raise or pass (fold). The raise can range between the amount of the previous bid (twice the big blind) and the amount of their carpet. In the latter case, the player shouts "All in!"
Then, each player gets to speak in a clockwise direction. They must bet at least the amount of the last bid if they want to take part in the game. Then, they shout “Call”. They can also decide to raise (at least twice) or pass, but then they cannot join the coup and have to leave their cards face down.
This first round of betting ends when the largest set has been equalized and the other players have folded.
A player may bet without being paid by anyone, in which case they win the pot and the game is over.
The flop
There is already a higher or lower pot on the table after the auction, where the sets are based on the players’ assessment of the value of their two pocket cards.
The dealer reveals the flop after "burning" the first card of the deck to avoid cheating: three cards are placed in the middle of the table face up. These first three community cards can be combined with the two pocket cards and allow the players to reassess their ambitions.
The second round of betting runs on the same principle as the first one. Thus, each player can bet, raise or fold.
The first player to speak is the player to the left of the button.
A player can "check" as long as no additional wager is made. This means that they do not bet but remain in the game and choose to bet later on. It may happen that everyone "checks", in which case one or more players are eliminated from the poker game. The coup can end if a player bets and no one pays.
The turn
After the second betting round, the dealer burns the card on top of the deck and reveals another card face. This card is called "the turn". Four cards are now visible to the players and a third betting round begins. The first player to speak is always the one to the left of the button. Similarly to the flop, the coup may end with the setting. It continues if everyone "checks" or if several players bet and no one pays.
The river
The dealer burns a last card and places it on the table. This card is called "the river". All five community cards are now visible.
A final round of betting begins with the player to the left of the button. Then, several possibilities may arise:
A player bets (higher or lower) and one or more players who have remained in the game follow. The initiator of the bet wins the pot without showing their cards.
The showdown: Who wins?
The decisive moment comes once all bids have been completed. The players must show their cards. The pot is won by the player who has the best hand of 5 cards. If there is a tie between two players, the pot is split in two.
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