The following tips do not replace medical advice because self-medication always comes with risks. Even seemingly harmless natural resources can lead to uncontrollable side effects. You may have just a cross-allergy to apples, for example or who knows what else.
Also note: All these tips have been formulated after thorough research was done. However, there are many cases when not even experts agree with each other. The best examples are the diet tips that change almost every year.
What many people do not know
There are a few things about eggs or boiled eggs that are not as well-known as they should be:
Those who eat eggs with a silver spoon will often notice that the spoon gets dark, some even black and an unpleasant taste is formed in the mouth while eating. This happens because of the heating hydrogen sulfide, which comes into contact with the silver spoon and its silver sulfide and this can lead to these unpleasant side effects. This usually happens when the hydrogen sulfide cannot escape completely.
The amount of hydrogen sulfide formed is so small that health risks may occur when cooking too many eggs. Incidentally, it is essentially the hydrogen sulfide that gives the rotten eggs their characteristic flavor.
How fresh are eggs really?
You can determine the freshness of an egg as soon as you get home from the supermarket. There are two ways in which you can do this:
The impact test
Crack the egg and pour it in a plate. If the egg yolk or egg white is beautiful arched and still really gelatinous, then the egg is fresh. If the egg yolk is really flat and the egg white is watery, then the egg is already old.
The swimming test
Fresh eggs stay on the bottom if you put them in a glass of water or in an electric egg boiler. Eggs 6 - 8 days old start rising to the surface. If the egg is already twenty days old, then it floats above and should be consumed only well cooked.
What eggs should you eat and when?
Eggs also need some time to "mature". Of course, a very young egg does not always have the best taste in the world. Eggs only get the best flavor after 2-3 days. They are especially good for pies, for frying, for poaching and suitable for whipping egg whites.
Very fresh eggs do not usually peel very well even if they look very well and even if you cook them very well. Therefore, do not use the freshest eggs for breakfast.
More tips about eggs
Here are some further instructions on the processing and storage of eggs:
It is always good to wipe the mouthpiece with warm water (with detergent) before blowing. Although the shell protects the contents of the egg, there can still be many pathogens on the surface. It is better to use your bellows!
You should never keep an egg in the fresh air for too long if you have cracked it, but you should put it in the refrigerator (at 5 ° C for about 2 days) as soon as possible!
Both egg whites and egg yolks assimilate odors very quickly, so they should always be covered in the refrigerator.
Once you have taken the eggs out of the fridge for some time, you should only consume them very hot to eliminate the risk of salmonella.
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