Microorganisms protect the immune system, strengthen it and prevent the development of cancer. In fact, the effects of these health-promoting bacteria in our intestines have been known for many years. This also applies to food, particularly to yogurt. The intestine is the biggest immune system of the human. But now this knowledge is well established in medicine. Numerous studies have shown that diseases in which our immune system is involved or plays an important role often finds their output in the intestine or - conversely - the corresponding diseases can be improved by supporting the bacterial flora.
What are probiotic foods?
Here is what probiotics are: These microorganisms are a natural part of our healthy intestinal flora. In addition to this, they may take the form of food or food supplements to enter the intestine and settle there and support the existing flora - and this way, our immune system is stimulated and strengthened. It turns out that lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) and Bifidus bacteria are especially helpful - their preventive and healing-promoting effects have now become known, but there are certain restrictions, too:
Not all strains of bacteria have similar effects, the studies having demonstrated only the effects of the probiotic foods tested (this does not mean that they are not present in others, too).
Only a small part of the intestinal microorganisms improve the immune system when ingested, the others being destroyed by the stomach acid and bile.
Some people get food intolerance symptoms from these type of foods.There is also the risk that improper storage or transport routes leads to the reduction of the amount of bacteria present in the food- in this case, nutritional supplements in the pharmacy are recommended (e.g. in the form of capsules).
Probiotics are lactic acid fermented foods – they do not include only the yogurt drinks stored in small bottles, but also sour milk, kefir and yogurt, red beets and pickles. It has been known that these bacteria help to preserve food ever since ancient times because harmful organisms don’t stand a chance in front of the strong acid production.
The effects of probiotics
Lactic acid bacteria have been found to be quite resistant to gastric and bile acid. Meanwhile, there are numerous studies on the effect of probiotics:
In fact, certain probiotics, such as yeast (Saccharomyces boulardii) and the bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG or Lactobacillus acidophilus, for example) reduce the duration and severity of gastro-intestinal infections and diarrhea. They can even be used preventively against travel diarrhea (5 days before the beginning of the trip).
Other bacteria aid digestion and reduce the number of rot-producing bacteria in the large intestine and encourage the digestion of lactose in lactose intolerant people.
In infants, the consumption of lactic acid bacteria with probiotic properties protects them against certain intestinal infections and helps to normalize the bacterial overgrowth after treatment with antibiotics.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, lactic acid bacteria (e.g. LGG, SymbioLact comp.) ingested by the mother prevents the allergic reactions and in particular an atopic dermatitis in children.
Probiotics seem to prevent chronic inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), as well as urinary tract infections.
Probiotics also reduce the risk of developing colon cancer because they inhibit the cell-damaging enzymes. A Japanese study has shown this effect in the germ Lactobacillus casei Shirota.
Possible drawback: Probiotics can also aggravate some diseases, for example some autoimmune diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis.
It is crucial that you consume probiotic products often, almost daily and regularly. Otherwise, the bacteria cannot colonize the intestinal mucosa. Conventional, non-heat-treated yogurts and dairy products containing live lactobacilli or Bifidus bacteria are so beneficial to your health. The World Health Organization recommends that you consume low-fat acidified milk products daily.